我们关注学生的成功! 公平准入和包容无障碍环境是赌钱app可以微信提现的目标. 如果你是一名需要住宿的学生,以下是你需要知道的.
The 访问服务 team is ready to partner with you in navigating your academic and career paths. 赌钱app可以微信提现 values the diversity that disability brings to campus. 我们致力于为您提供公平的所有大学项目和服务,以便每个骑士都能参加完整的大学体验和哪个app可以赌足球.
这个过程从你开始! 大学是一个机会,让你与访问服务合作,并确定你需要在每个班级的住宿. We want you to get the access and support you need, 因此,我们很乐意引导您完成整个过程,并为您提供帮助您成功的资源!
- Complete an application for services through myAccess.
- 向访问服务提供残疾的文档,描述您的残疾在学术环境中的当前影响.
- 文件要求各不相同, 视残疾而定, but may include a psychoeducational evaluation, 个人教育计划(IEP), 504年计划, 诊断说明,包括当前残疾的功能限制, audiogram and/or other relevant medical documents.
- 文件可能是 发邮件给myAccess or uploaded to your myAccess帐户 when you apply for support through 访问服务.
- 访问服务 will review your documentation and determine your eligibility for accommodations.
- Make an appointment with 访问服务 to request and determine appropriate accommodations.
- 要预约,请打电话 913-469-3521 或电子邮件 accessservices@na300.net.
- Accommodations and services may vary from class to class and are determined on a case-by-case basis.
这次会议为我们提供了一个机会,让我们更多地了解您,并解释我们的流程和赌钱app可以微信提现的许多可用资源. 在这次会议上, you will complete your specific requests for each class through your myAccess帐户. 直到你完成你的请求,住宿才会到位, 住宿由访问服务部门审查和批准. 住宿一经批准, 我们会给你的每位教授发一封通知信,其中列出了你在这门课程中会收到的住宿安排.
作为一名归国学生, 你知道诀窍, but we’d be happy to meet with you to talk through your request for accommodations for each class.
- To schedule an appointment with 访问服务, you may 登录您的myAccess帐户 并选择左侧工具栏或电子邮件中的“请求预约” accessservices@na300.net.
- 您可以直接到您的myAccess帐户申请住宿. 访问服务将批准或与您联系以讨论您的请求.
- 登录你的 myAccess (记得选择“登录”并使用您的赌钱app可以微信提现用户名和密码).
- 承认责任
- 选择权利 & 职责栏,你会看到你的电子签名区域.
- Select Classes in Which You Need Accommodations
- 滚动到页面中间,看到“为你的课程选择住宿”,选择你需要住宿的课程(按照黄色框中的说明)。.
- Choose “Step 2 – Continue to Customize Your Accommodations.”
- 选择住宿
- 具体选择住宿,你需要在每个类.
- 提交您的请求
- Advisor will approve OR contact you to discuss the request.
- 访问顾问可以回答您对即将到来的学期可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑. 请随时与我们联系!
Ready to meet with someone in 访问服务? Follow these simple instructions and you’ll be set.
如果您还没有完成myAccess的申请,请致电我们 913-469-3521,或电邮 accessservices@na300.net.
If you’re a current student with a myAccess帐户, go ahead and complete the online appointment request form.
- 登录到 myAccess系统
- Choose “Request for Appointment” on the left
- 查看笔记并选择灰色的Request for Appointment按钮
- Answer the questions so we can get prepared to help with your specific needs then choose face-to-face, 电话, 或虚拟通过缩放选项.
- 选择聘用目的
- 为您的可用性选择三个选项并提交请求
- Look for your appointment confirmation email from accessservices@na300.net 在日历上做记号
请随时打电话 913-469-3521 或电子邮件 accessservices@na300.net to request help in making an appointment. Our friendly staff will guide you through the process.
我们期待很快见到你!After your accommodations are approved, 教师通知信将在学期开始前通过电子邮件发送给您的教授,如果学期开始后要求,则在批准后24小时内发送给教授. The 教师的通知 Letters inform professors what accommodations will be used in their classrooms. 关于您的残疾的具体信息不会被分享.
- 给你的教授发邮件 to verify receipt of your accommodation form.
- Consider scheduling an individual meeting 与你的教授亲自讨论你的住宿要求.
- Inform接入服务 任何顾虑和/或 时间表的变化 整个学期.
如果你有问题 有住宿的, 具有课程可访问性, or with any other academic or personal concern, 与无障碍服务顾问或聋人服务协调员预约,这样我们就可以讨论各种选择,并提出一个帮助你解决问题的计划. 除非您让我们知道,否则我们的团队不会知道您有顾虑, so reach out because we’re here to help you!
Here are some of the more commonly used accommodations. 然而, 我们与学生在个案的基础上制定个性化的住宿计划,提供公平的机会.
- 早期的请求 – Requests for alternate formats are processed in the order that they are received by our office.
- 购买书籍 -您必须出示购买教科书的证明,才能使用其他格式的教科书. 您可以在“备用格式”选项卡中上传图书收据 myAccess帐户.
- 检查状态 -你可以 登录您的myAccess帐户 to check the status of your alternate format request.
Procedures for retrieving alternate format text
备用格式协调器, Pam哈克贝利, 将通过您的赌钱app可以微信提现电子邮件帐户与您联系,并告知如何访问和/或提取材料和设备. 电子邮件 Pam哈克贝利 有问题吗?.
电子邮件将被发送到您的@stumail.jccc.仅限Edu帐户. Be sure to check this account regularly. If you need assistance accessing your student email account, ask any 访问服务 staff member or Student Center information specialist for help, or visit the 赌钱app可以微信提现 技术支持 Center.
辅助技术(AT)可供残疾学生使用. 访问服务 can help you find the tools you need.
If you are a student who is deaf or hard of hearing, you may request a sign language interpreter and other needed accommodations for your 赌钱app可以微信提现 classes.
口译员/ transliterator
If you wish to use the services of an interpreter or transliterator for classes at 赌钱app可以微信提现, 你应该预约聋人服务和住宿协调员 马特·格温 然后完成 通过myAccess请求.
You will need to submit your audiogram or other documentation so that the request can be processed.
When using the services of an interpreter, you have the following responsibilities:
- 准时上课. 在赌钱app可以微信提现, interpreters are required to wait for a student 15 minutes for each hour that the class is scheduled to meet. An interpreter is only required to wait a maximum of 30 minutes for a three-hour class. After waiting the appropriate amount of time, 解释器将向访问服务部门报告重新分配.
- 介绍你自己 to both the interpreter and the professor.
- 如果你发现a film or video being shown in class is not captioned, contact 访问服务 as soon as possible.
- If an interpreter does not show up for class给马特·格温发短信 913-593-2366 or call him via Video Relay Service at 913-549-9636.
- 如果你有 在课堂上理解教授或翻译的问题, 你应该先和翻译讨论这个问题(他/她可能会改变他/她的签名风格,解决这个困惑)。. 如果无法通过解释器解决问题,请联系访问服务.
- 如果您需要翻译 for activities outside of regularly scheduled classes (e.g., a meeting with a professor or tutor or a performance in the Carlsen Center), complete a 自定义解释器请求 在myAccess. The interpreter request should include requestor's name, activity title and location, date of activity, and start and end times of activity.
如果你连续三次缺席, 或过度, classes without notifying 访问服务, 你需要与聋人服务协调员会面讨论解决方案. 如果上课有问题,请联系聋人服务协调员.
你可能有资格在课堂上获得记笔记的支持. 访问服务为需要与获取课程信息相关的住宿的学生提供了几种选择.
- LiveScribe笔:你可以看看LiveScribe笔用来记笔记. LiveScribe笔可以让你自己在纸上做笔记,同时把你的笔记和讲课内容电子化. If you’re interested in this option, 请 visit with an Access Advisor for more information.
- Glean: Glean是一个软件程序,可以让你在笔记本电脑上做笔记,并用独特的组织系统记录你的演讲. 如果你对这项服务感兴趣, just let your Access Advisor know and we’ll get you the tools you need to take notes with Glean.
- 教授提供的笔记:您的教授可能会在Canvas的课程外壳上为所有学生提供课堂笔记的副本. 在教授提供的PowerPoint幻灯片/笔记的辅助下,有些学生能够做足够的笔记.
访问服务 will recruit a student in your class to serve as your peer notetaker. 你的身份将被保密你将从你的 myAccess帐户.
访问服务 will recruit a student in your class to serve as your peer notetaker. 你的身份将被保密你将从你的 myAccess帐户.
- 使用Google Chrome浏览器
- 登录你的 myAccess帐户
- Choose: Notetaking Services (under My Accommodations) on the menu on the left side of the screen. 本页将列出:
- 你的课上要求带一个笔记本
- 记笔记员的姓名(如果指定了记笔记员)
- 可供下载的注意事项
- 下载注意事项:
- 选择“可供下载的笔记(点击展开)”框
- Choose “Download Note” for each file you want to download
For questions regarding peer notetakers, you may 给我们的笔记协调员发邮件.
Prior to the start of each semester, potential notetakers are recruited by 访问服务. 一旦我们收到您的请求,我们要么给已经在myAccess注册成为记录员的学生分配任务,要么我们开始招聘记录员. Our recruitment process includes sending a recruitment email to select students in your course, asking your professor for help in recruiting a notetaker, and/or going to your class to request a notetaker in person.
Once a notetaker is assigned, you and your professor will receive an email from the Notetaker office.
If you would like to recruit your own notetaker, 请 discuss this with an Access advisor when you meet to set up your accommodations.
如果可能的话, 你应该试着在课堂上做笔记,并使用你从myAccess下载的笔记来澄清你可能遗漏的信息. This will allow you to develop your listening, 写作和阅读技能,有助于你作为一个学生的成功.
Your notetaker accommodation may be temporarily suspended for the following reasons:
- 连续缺课超过3节或因残疾而缺课过多.
- 您没有通过myAccess中的笔记门户访问您的笔记.
If you experience problems with a notetaker, you should try resolving the matter by asking the professor to verify the quality of the notes.
If you have further questions or concern with your notes, 邮件记录员 寻求帮助.
有几种方式可以提供您的测试住宿. 请查看下面的每个选项,并与访问顾问联系任何问题.
Procedures for Approved 测试设施
1. Extended Test Time with your Professor
Some 教师 have chosen to proctor exams for students who have approved accommodations. 请在你的第一次考试前和你的教授谈谈,看看你是否会和你的教授一起考试或在考试中心安排你的考试.
2. Course Tests Proctored through 测试 Service
These steps are for all students who are taking course exams through 测试服务, whether in a private room or in the 测试 Lab.
- You must schedule your exam a minimum of 24小时前 考试日期/时间.
- 在你的考试由你的教授交给考试服务处之前,你不能报名参加考试.
如果您遇到任何问题,请联系您的访问顾问或发送电子邮件 accessservices@na300.net.
- 登录Canvas
- 选择课程
- Choose: “测试服务 Request” on the left column
- 在列出的批准考试中选择您想要安排的考试
- 〇选择住宿 如果没有任何你需要的住宿安排,不要安排考试. Contact 访问服务 immediately so we can add any approved accommodations that are not on the list.
- Choose a date (must be at least 24-hours before exam date)
- Choose a time (must be at least 24-hours before exam date)
- 验证名字,姓氏和赌钱app可以微信提现学生电子邮件地址
- Review testing requirements (testing requirements, such as photo ID required, no personal items, etc.) and choose “I agree to follow the above guidelines” button.
- 输入您的赌钱app可以微信提现学生证号码
- 选择“添加到购物车”
- 选择“完成注册”
- 如果你没有看到你需要的住宿,不要报名参加测试.
- 只选择课程批准的住宿. 如果你不记得了,打开你的 myAccess帐户 to review course approved accommodations.
- If your test isn’t available to schedule, 如果你需要任何帮助,请尽快给你的教授发邮件,并联系访问服务.
- 伸出手去 访问服务 有任何问题或疑虑.
- 电子邮件 测试服务 with any technical questions regarding the sign-up process.
Canvas现在为学生提供了大多数文档的备选格式选项. 当你在Canvas中看到文档旁边有一个向下的箭头符号, 您可以选择“备用格式”,并拥有以各种可访问格式访问文档的选项.
自1973年《赌钱app可以微信提现》通过之前,哪个app可以赌足球就一直为残疾学生提供住宿. The College is committed to providing an equitable and accessible environment for all students. Discrimination on the basis of disability is prohibited.
- Contact your Access advisor as soon as possible! Our team will communicate with students, 教师, 以及参与非正式申诉互动过程的员工. The Access advisor assists in seeking a resolution for times in which a course is not accessible, 或者没有提供批准的住宿或被拒绝.
- 如果您有与访问服务工作人员有关的投诉,或者Access advisor无法解决问题,您也可以联系访问服务副院长. 副院长将通过收集您和其他相关方的信息来继续互动过程. 大多数与残疾有关的问题或关切都在这一级别得到解决.
- If you do not agree with the decision made by the Assistant Dean of 访问服务, 你可以联系学生主任, 谁会审查你的关注和无障碍服务的决策过程.
- If the issue is not resolved, you may choose to submit a formal complaint through the 赌钱app可以微信提现在线报告系统.
You may also choose to file a complaint externally with the Office for Civil Rights.
Office for Civil Rights, Kansas City Office
U.S. 教育部
1010 Walnut Street, Suite 320, 3rd Floor
电话: 816-268-0550
电子邮件: 光学字符识别.KansasCity@ed.政府
- You can take charge of your path to success as an adult. Parental support continues but takes a different form.
- 你可以在大学里制定自己的时间表——不再是早上8点到下午3点. Effective time-management skills become an important player in managing time outside the classroom.
- There won’t be time to finish your homework during class. For each hour spent in class, you should plan on 2-3 hours of study time outside of class time.
- 出席 policies vary greatly from class to class. 了解每位教授的出勤和截止日期政策.
- 你需要深入研究一下课本. The amount of required reading and the level of comprehension increases at the college level.
- Effective, consistent note taking is a must. 我敢打赌,你不仅会被测试课本内容,还会被测试课堂材料.
- There may be fewer tests given in a college class, 它们可能是累积的, meaning they’ll cover a large amount of material at a time. 家庭作业成绩可能会也可能不会计入总分.
- You’ll be expected to consult the course syllabus or Canvas to know what class expectations are, 当作业到期时, when tests are scheduled and how grades will be determined.
College is full of new beginnings and opportunities. Your request for accommodations will be a confidential communication between you and your professor. 你的教授会知道你在使用什么住宿,但不会知道你为什么符合条件. Specific information about your disability will only be shared on a need-to-know basis. 访问人员只有在您同意的情况下才能与您的父母交谈.
If you have concerns about confidentiality, 来和我们谈谈,这样我们就能解决你的疑虑. 当你开始上大学时,了解你的权利和责任是很重要的,这样你在申请和使用住宿时就会更自信. 你将是你自己最好的拥护者! Our goal is for all students to have equitable access to all campus classes and activities.
- 学术成就中心 (AAC): Learn how to be a more efficient student! 获得学习技巧、时间管理、考试准备等方面的帮助. 询问一对一的辅导支持!
- 资源中心 on the first floor of the 比灵顿图书馆 offer a wide range of free tutoring and assistance. Stop at the ASK Desk to learn how to navigate the Center.
资源中心: Get specialized tutoring help in math, science, reading, writing and foreign languages.